Studio Stories: What Ive Learnt In Five Months Of Ancoats Studio

I can’t believe it’s been 5 months, it’s absolutely flown. It’s definitely had its ups and downs. Starting out I had nothing in the space which meant I had to work every hour I could to make the space useable to recoup the money I had spent, this meant long days and learning a lot of skills as I went. I soon realised by watching videos I could pretty much do any DIY myself and my confidence in this has grown tenfold.

I realise routine is so important to me, in the first 2 weeks I lost 8kg due to not eating or working out and having no set times, I was purely on a mission to finish the space… this eventually took a toll on my mental which leads me on to having the right people around you. It gets lonely running a business solo, having the amazing people around me I do kept me sane. Even if it was a 10 min visit and slight help it was significant.

Word of mouth - As well as social media, the importance of networking is HUGE. I have met some great people in the process and seeing them go on to use the space and create some amazing concepts is wild. Seeing the studio be used and generate income still feels surreal, I’m not sure why as that was always the plan!

Finally, I would say living in the moment has been key. There’s going to be busy times, quiet times, jobs will always need to be done and money will come and go.. this is inevitable. Staying focused on the daily tasks and doing what I can to grow the business step by step is important, but enjoying every second I have in the studio I dreamt of for so long is paramount.


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